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2014 AL State Championship Show
8/29/2014 - 8/31/2014
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2 Yr Snaffle
Arena Race 12 & U
Arena Race 13 & Over
Arena Race Adult
Arena Race Open
Arena Race Pony
Barrel Race 12 & Under
Barrel Race 13 & Over
Barrel Race Cloverleaf
Barrels Open
Color Horse WP
Costume Leadline
English Pleasure 18 +
English Walk Trot \ Finals
English Walk Trot \ Heat 1
English Walk Trot \ Heat 2
Gaited Halter
Halter 1 Yr
Halter 2 & Under Western
Halter 3 & Over Western
Halter Geldings
Halter Grand & Reserve
Halter Mares & Fillies
Halter Stallions
Halter Weanlings
Halter Youth 17 & U
High Point Awards
Huntseat Pleasure \ Finals
Huntseat Pleasure \ Heat 1
Huntseat Pleasure \ Heat 2
Ladies Barrels
Ladies Racking
Ladies WP \ Cut 1
Ladies WP \ Cut 2
Ladies WP \ Finals
Mens Barrels
Mens Racking
Mens WP
Open Speed Racking
Opening Ceremonies
Poles 12 & Under
Poles 13 +
Poles Adult
Poles Open
Poles Pony
Pony Barrels 49 & Under
Pony Barrels 49 +
Pony Halter 49 & Over
Pony Halter 49 U
Pony Pleasure
Pony Walk Trot
Racking Flat Shod
Racking Open
Showmanship 17 & U
Showmanship Pony
Sr Horse WP \ Cut 1
Sr Horse WP \ Cut 2
Sr Horse WP \ Finals
Stake Race
Stake Race 12 U
Stake Race 13 +
Style Racking
Trail Pls Racking Keg \ Finals
Trail Pls Racking Keg \ Heat 1
Trail Pls Racking Keg \ Heat 2
Walk Trot 12 & U \ Cut 1
Walk Trot 12 & U \ Cut 2
Walk Trot 12 & U \ Finals
Walk Trot 13 - 17 \ Cut 1
Walk Trot 13 - 17 \ Cut 2
Walk Trot 13 - 17 \ Finals
Walk Trot Open \ Cut 1
Walk Trot Open \ Cut 2
Walk Trot Open \ Cut 3
Walk Trot Open \ Cut 4
Walk Trot Open \ Finals
Western Gaited Flat Shod
Western Pleasure Open \ Cut 1
Western Pleasure Open \ Cut 2
Western Pleasure Open \ Finals
Youth English Pleasure
Youth Flat Shod
Youth Racking
Youth Western Pleasure \ Cut 1
Youth Western Pleasure \ Cut 2
Youth Western Pleasure \ Finals
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